I'm not completely obsessed; honestly. Some might disagree but even I will refuse to buy shoes that cost more than £100. I do, however, currently own over 25 pairs of shoes some of which are in boxes because they deserve better homes.
While in Newcastle last year I was minding my own business walking back to the hotel from the Metro. I don't like window shopping; what is the point if you have no money to spend? However, I do randomly look in shop windows if I pass a shop I like. I happened across Dune this particular day.
I like this shop because it sells shoes. Years ago when I first started studying accountancy I studied in Liverpool and shocked a saleswoman in Dune when undecided about 2 pairs of red shoes. Not being able to afford both she asked what occassion they were for. I looked at her like she had just appeared from another planet and said "They are for work" at which point she looked at me in horror. Oh the shame, wearing Dune shoes for a normal work day!

Anyhoo, I digress. Back to the Dune shop that I wasn't window shopping in when I walked past. Having drawn my eye I then sent two pictures from my mobile home to Hubby and Beautiful B - viola!
Hubby responded immediately expressing his utter disgust at the second pair. Of course, these were the ones i preferred. After all, there is nothing better than a pair of beautiful shoes to brighten up the most boring suit on a work day.
I couldn't afford the shoes anyway but a discussion commenced about how they would go with different coloured suits, tops etc; I am guessing none of which mattered to Hubby seen as his work attire consists of a pair of jeans and a polo shirt.
Fast forward to Christmas and Beautiful B and Ry presented me with a few presents one of which was a shoe sized box. On opening them out popped the zebra shoes. I was ecstatic.
Only....they were too big. Having looked at my shoe size Beautiful B had ordered a size bigger and no matter what I tried I couldn't carry them off in the bigger size without risking blisters and my foot falling out. Unfortunately, when trying to exchange for a smaller size of course they did not have the size required.
Dune were very good and sent a gift voucher which I had great fun spending during a recent work trip. What better way to spice up a work trip for a meeting than shoe shopping!
I came home with these. You can only imagine what Hubby thinks of them so I will let your imagination run away with you. He is convinced I am going to break my neck wearing them. Beautiful B likes them. I love them and shoes are the one area where I tend to ignore Hubby's opinion.
So thank you, Beautiful B for my lastest beautiful shoes. I think these deserve a special box to live in too.
While in Newcastle last year I was minding my own business walking back to the hotel from the Metro. I don't like window shopping; what is the point if you have no money to spend? However, I do randomly look in shop windows if I pass a shop I like. I happened across Dune this particular day.
I like this shop because it sells shoes. Years ago when I first started studying accountancy I studied in Liverpool and shocked a saleswoman in Dune when undecided about 2 pairs of red shoes. Not being able to afford both she asked what occassion they were for. I looked at her like she had just appeared from another planet and said "They are for work" at which point she looked at me in horror. Oh the shame, wearing Dune shoes for a normal work day!
Hubby responded immediately expressing his utter disgust at the second pair. Of course, these were the ones i preferred. After all, there is nothing better than a pair of beautiful shoes to brighten up the most boring suit on a work day.
I couldn't afford the shoes anyway but a discussion commenced about how they would go with different coloured suits, tops etc; I am guessing none of which mattered to Hubby seen as his work attire consists of a pair of jeans and a polo shirt.
Fast forward to Christmas and Beautiful B and Ry presented me with a few presents one of which was a shoe sized box. On opening them out popped the zebra shoes. I was ecstatic.
Only....they were too big. Having looked at my shoe size Beautiful B had ordered a size bigger and no matter what I tried I couldn't carry them off in the bigger size without risking blisters and my foot falling out. Unfortunately, when trying to exchange for a smaller size of course they did not have the size required.
Dune were very good and sent a gift voucher which I had great fun spending during a recent work trip. What better way to spice up a work trip for a meeting than shoe shopping!
I came home with these. You can only imagine what Hubby thinks of them so I will let your imagination run away with you. He is convinced I am going to break my neck wearing them. Beautiful B likes them. I love them and shoes are the one area where I tend to ignore Hubby's opinion.
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