If you have read the “About Me” section you know we have 4 dogs because
we are mental!
As we have so many and they are part of the family I thought I should
dedicate a page to them….
The Fredster
One day along came a woman who was in the mood to defy her then husband and
please her daughter. In fact, her second
husband had commanded that she couldn’t have a dog, being the worst example of
a Jehovah’s Witness ever, and she was about to defy him because he had told her
that he didn’t love her, quit his job and refused to move out of the house.
Little Fredster sat in the middle of the run, small enough to sit in a pair
of cupped hands, with his little brown fluffiness stuck up everywhere with a
forlorn look on his face. His eyes
begged you to take him away from all the noisy dogs and the pet shop owner knew
that as soon as he was in the arms of a sucker potential buyer he was
He sat in a dog bed on the front seat of the car while his new owner talked
to him all the way home asking him what name he would like. The only response
was when she offered him Fred, so thanks to a work colleague of hers, Fred he
became. I’m thinking he probably wondered what this silly woman was doing
thinking that a dog could possibly tell her what name he would like and that
eventually he looked at her in complete disbelief....of course she took that to
mean ‘Oooooh I LOOOOOVVVEE that name.”
She had to return to work so she put him in the kitchen with toys and lots
of paper on the floor and returned to work.
Picking up Beautiful B from
school she was grateful (for it seemed to be the longest car journey EVER) for
the incessant monologue of her daughters school day because she was so scared
that she couldn’t contain the excitement of introducing her daughter to her new
Poor Frester puts up with Beautiful B |
On returning home, the woman walked into the house and straight to the
kitchen door and opened it and her heart burst at the squeal of joy from her Beautiful B when The Fredster came running out of
the kitchen with a funny run as he was trying to lift his paw up to say “How do
you do?” – someone in that pet store had obviously taken a liking to him and
spend time teaching him a few tricks.
Having been told that looking at the paw size of a crossbreed in proportion
to their body was a good indication of how big they would grow – the woman has
now realised that it is utter tosh because The Frester grew and grew and grew
and by the time the then husband moved and requested time with our fluff bag to
say goodbye; the woman took no delight in that, no she did not….the Fredster
was tall enough to meet her mid thigh.
He is far too excitable and wants to jump up and welcome visitors. He is a beautiful dog but can look scary when
he comes up on his hind legs, being 5 ft and all, to say hello and hates being
put in another room when visitors first arrive because it spoils his fun so
barks his head off which some make take as a threat.
Hubby has spent time trying to teach him not to bark as much as he used to
but The Fredster is a very nervous dog and will always bark. A friend who was training to be a dog
behaviourist confirmed what the mother already knew: it is
not normal for a dog to be scared of the wind and to refuse to go out of the
garden unaccompanied for 2 years after returning from an overnight adventure (during
which I cried thinking of our dog hungry and scared). Having said that; it does
mean Beautiful B is no longer
dragged up the road when he is on a lead.
Fredster can now be let off the lead on the local field to have a run
around because being what the vet thinks may be part Lurcher/Greyhound (because
even he is confused by the giraffe) he needs much more exercise than a walk on
a lead – though the mother had a near heart attack the day Beautiful B came
home and nonchalantly told her he had been off the lead.
He is loved by Abi, the baby fluff especially, who likes nothing better than
tugging on his beard to get him to play or giving his eyes and ears kisses
(yes, she obviously has not worked out that kisses are preferred elsewhere). The Fredster sleeps with Beautiful B because she sleeps like the dead and is
not woken up by the amount of times he jumps up and off the bed and he will
move with Beautiful B when she
decides to move into a home of her own. The
mother knows that Abi fluff will pine for him and miss him almost as much as she
will when that time comes.
The trip did cheer Beautiful B up
but the mother was stupid naive because she did not think about what
would happen if when her daughter fell in love with another dog. Walking around and looking at all the baby fluffers
they happened across a pen with 3 little white toy dogs in. These little toy dogs were very excitable and
just looked like little teddy dogs but they were so noisy. One especially decided to take charge and
barked louder than the others. Watching
the little fluff turn and bark at the other two dogs the woman realised that
the other dogs had fallen in line and moved behind the little noisy fluffer,
just like she was their commanding officer.
She then turned to continue barking at Beautiful B and I, seemingly warning
us to leave her 2 brother alone or she would chew our ankles off if she could
just get out of this 4 foot high pen. Naturally,
Beautiful B fell in love with the
noisy fluff that had ‘obviously been telling the others to get behind her so
she could protect them.’
Ever watchful of a potential sale the shop owner informed us that the noisy
fluff was a little girl and the other two were her brothers. Beautiful B
was not going home without the noisy fluff and the mother was weak because her
daughter had been treated very unfairly by the now gone then husband and she
wanted to make up for making such a bad decision in marrying him.
£550 later and the noisy fluff was on her way home with us. The Fredster went to the vets less than a
week later to have his bits sorted because can you imagine how much the noisy
fluff would suffer giving birth to his babies when he was at least 10 times the
size of her?!
The noisy fluff was called Lily and she continued to be noisy. In fact, the whole house became noisy because
The Fredster was only 11 months old and 2 puppies playing constantly all day
make LOTS OF NOISE. In fact, at one
stage, Hubby who at this time had only just become a boyfriend to the mother secretly
questioned whether he could stick out all the noise because he could not hear
what the mother was saying over the noisy dogs.
The mother is wagering whether the Hubby would crave some of that noise
to drown out the mother now she is his wife.
The mother’s brother C, who had become Hubby’s best friend, talked some sense into him and made him see that the mother’s nuttiness and child like mind was worth sticking around for and she will be forever grateful for that.
As a puppy Lily took to chewing like a duck to water. She systematically chewed the edge of an entire garden bench when teething before progressing to the entire edge of the garden table when she was tall enough to jump on top of the bench. Flowers in the back garden went by the wayside because she ate every single one of them; even one day being found in the large garden pot which housed the mothers beloved Aica where she sat eating the beloved Aica like she was a panda eating bamboo. Thankfully by the time she turned her attention to the dining room chairs she had teethed enough to only want to bite them slightly though each of the 4 chairs bears tiny teeth marks along the ENTIRE bottom of the chair supports!
Anyhoo, Lily is very independent; while loving her cuddles she only wants them on her terms and usually that is in exchange for sweets or treats. Being a Bichon Frise she feels entitled to a superior treatment than most dogs and considers herself above giving kisses on demand. In fact, it took Mother over 12 months to convince her that being told to “Sit” meant sitting with your whole butt on the floor rather than crouching just enough to get the treat.
Lily likes her routine; in fact, if you haven’t cleaned the gunk out of her eyes within 30 minutes of waking up she will make sure that you don’t get any peace until you do because she has to have her little treat for being good.
She is a dead weight during the night and sleeps behind your bent knees on top of the covers so if you want to turn over you have to wake up enough to put enough force behind moving her weight. That is no good for The Mother. As a consequence, Lily now sleeps with
Not having bought Lily to breed her specifically the Mother had Lily spayed and got all her love and kisses from Cala, Lily’s daughter – did you see what the mother did there – Cala Lily – not very original but better than Hubby’s suggestion of Picca Lily, as in Piccalilli the pickled condiment for hotdogs and such.
The Mother still cannot teach Lily to say ‘How do you do’ likely because Lily does not see the point though Hubby has been more successful with Lily than Fred in getting her to stop barking when everyone comes home from work. Instead she picks up a toy, runs to the top of the stairs and barks around the toy to muffle the sound, which when you think about it is kind of smart – she still does what she wants while making us happy.
When Lily’s litter was born one of the puppies was not breathing and the Mother swung it in an arc as suggested in the trainers book and bought it back to life. Mother does not consider herself a miracle worker, just grateful that she did not have to console
Cala was picked straight away from the litter and immensely loving immediately. Mother is not subjective though she has noticed that Cala’s affection can be too much for visitors but Mother loves it. Needing to feel affection and be wanted herself (not high maintenance at all), Mother loves giving Cala the attention she craves and not a day has gone by in 4 years with Cala in a bad mood. The first time the family ever heard Cala growl was when Fred dared to decide to lie on the upstairs landing when the newborn puppies were in the bathroom (not because we are freaks but because it is the warmest room in the house) and Cala got very defensive – in fact, she pinned him up against a wall despite him being 8 times the size of her.

Cala loves her walks round the 3 mile trail near home and has never needed a lead because she frequently comes back to check that we are okay. It wasn’t Cala that decided, one hot summer day, to take off and find a pond to wade through and come back dark brown on the bottom half and white on the top, oh no that was her mother; not THE mother in case you were wondering.
After a while, the Mother decided that more babies were needed as she was getting broody for puppies. After not being so sure about the first ‘pimping out’ session Cala was raring to go on the second. Usually it takes a good 5 weeks to know that the dog is pregnant yet within 2 weeks the Mother was wondering whether she was imagining a much rounder Cala and those thoughts were confirmed by the unconventional dog groomer who stated “You have pimped that dog out haven’t you?!”
By the 4th week we could see tiny puppy feet sticking out of her belly and knew that either the puppies were huge or she was full of lots of puppies. By the 7th week she was struggling to get up the stairs and by the 8th week she seriously looked like she had swallowed a bowling ball. Cala went into labour a full week earlier and after refusing to tell the Mother any of the scare stories he had been reading on the Intranet Hubby and Mother helped Cala give birth to 7 beautiful puppies whilst vowing that Cala was not having any more babies because she may just burst next time.
Cala was much more relaxed with her first litter than Lily was with hers and after the first “I will kill you if you harm my babies” incident let Fred sniff at the puppies and left them for cuddles when she was happy they were fed and cleaned. Watching her trying to clean the paper in the puppy pen through the bars as they got older was just wrong and watching her interact with them when they were old enough to run around the house was even more fun (at these times Fred moved his bag upstairs and lived there as he is afraid of little unpredictable things that move).
The agreement that Cala’s health was more important than more litters dictated the Mother’s need to keep another little Bichon Frise and so Abi joined the family.
Having cried for 3 nights, all night in the pen at night Hubby relented and
fetched Abi upstairs to the bedroom in her crate – she settled straight away
and Mother admitted that Abi was going to test everyone’s strength of
Abi has a mouth like Zippy from Rainbow and ears bigger than her mother (and
Calas are big!). She thinks nothing of
lying in the middle of the floor on her back demanding a tickle with her ears
flopped back. She has her own special
way of looking cute when cleaning her eyes or itching a spot on her nose.
Abi is very clever, though hides it extremely well, and quickly identified
that to get her to come back the Mother and Hubby were using treats. Identifying she could use this to her
advantage when being friendly with strangers wandering in the opposite
direction to Mother and Hubby Abi would turn around and trot off after the
strangers wagging her little tail. On
returning after being called back she was given a treat so she took to doing this
at every available opportunity.
Abi sleeps under the covers near feet which makes her a very brave girl but
regularly disappears on the floor to find Mother’s spare pillow and burrow
under it like a snail. She thinks
nothing of jumping onto Mother’s chest at 4.30am demanding to go outside as she
does not do subtle. She has managed to
get all 3 dogs to bark more than they used to before she came along and Mother
is just immensely grateful that the neighbours think the dogs shouldn’t teach
the dogs to stop barking because they deter burglars.
Abi is the scruffiest dog on earth and looks like a white version of Spit the Dog for you English readers. She purposely sits in a certain way to tell Mother than she wants her chest tickling or lies in a certain way to ask you to tickle her belly. She adores Fred and randomly goes up to him 10-15 times a day to lick his eyes and remind him that she loves him. Abi is the one that has fetched the child side out in Fred and she pulls on his beard to try and get him to play with her. She lies in wait patiently for a toy or chew that another dog has and lies on top of chews and toys she wants to keep for a while.
And finally;
Mother has admitted that having 4 dogs in the house is one too many
especially when three of them follow her around the house like little white
sheep. Abi will be the last dog that she
keeps for a number of years however she does want to grow old with a Maltese as
they look like little puppy Bichon Frise for their entire lives but that will
wait because she is not swapping her dogs for all the tea in China.
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