Saturday, 25 May 2013

Greece meets Beautiful B

Beautiful B was informed she had an hours free call while in Greece so spent it with me on loudspeaker so Ry could join in the conversation. 

Despite being in a 4 star hotel she requested a room move on arrival after discovering the lack of a fridge, a stained toilet seat and a bedside lamp that decided it did not want to stay on the wall. If it was a room upgrade she was highly disappointed.  Her post to a friend on Facebook informed that Ry suggested she complain as 'she is better at it'. She felt this was because she takes after her mother - ahem....

Her upgraded room move has resulted in a partial sea view but a room without as much security as one would expect as the patio door does not lock. She has been busy taking photographs and needs my help to complain to the tour operator on her return home  as I 'am better at wording complaints'. 

Regardless, they are not letting it ruin their holiday and were agreeing to disagree on who had the better tan so far; Beautiful B calling Ry the 'Milky Bar Kid' despite Ry claiming his tan was better than hers. In true mother mode I requested they use a higher factor sun cream and after sun if they were at all red. 

Whilst I don't want her drunk every day of the holiday I was amused to find out that 6 days into her holiday and she had only had 2-3 drinks as they make them 'too strong' with 50% of the drink alcohol. She doesn't take after me completely then considering I drank cocktails from noon 'til midnight every day of my honeymoon. 

Instead of being disappointed at a lack of a solid nightlife Beautiful B is more disappointed in the lack of shopping opportunities but did inform me last night that she has found a bar outside the hotel that makes a decent daiquiri - there is the like mother; like daughter thing again. 

Their tale of turtle watching made me laugh especially as they were late because Ry forgot to change the time on his watch to Greece time. I can only imagine Beautiful B's  horror at realising the boat had run over a turtle. Despite Ry  assuring her that the turtles she'll will have protected it she sue asked her concern at any resulting brain damage. 

After assuring her that the fluffers were still alive and healthy I signed off after telling them both I loved them. I am so happy that they are enjoying themselves and it was lovely to hear the usual banter between them. 

Freddy fluff is still going to stand at her bedroom door every now and again but is not pining for her as much as I expected. In fact, I am probably pining for her more than he. I have to admit her stories make me desperately want a holiday in the sun myself. Rachel!!!!!!......

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