Monday, 30 April 2012

A night to remember

Race Night happened to fall on Hubby's birthday.  So I badgered tons of people to come out with us to celebrate Hubby's birthday and to raise money for our football club at the same time.

We spent a lot; well Hubby did as his birthday funds also funded drinks and our bets for the evening.  Of course, any winnings; both his and mine went into my back pocket.  Yes I know but in my defence I was saving it to ensure he did not spend it and it was returned this morning.

Beautiful B and R came along - to say she is only 17, she is a lightweight when it comes to staying out late; she wanted to go home at 10.30 "because I have work at 5am" - ppfff.  She got in at midnight with the rest of us.

My best friend R and her future Hubby D came along.  We spent the evening taking lots of photos, catching up on gossip and making secret plans.

My brother-in-law Nods (well, technically he is my ex brother in law now but I am over splitting hairs) and his girlfriend A came along to join in the fun. It is so good to be talking now (it took me 2 years to let the past stay where it should) and Nods and I have both missed each other's company tremendously.  I apologise now to A for the photo - she blinked at the wrong time! 

Here's Debs - technically she is was my last boss, as of Thursday she is back to being one of my bosses again but I consider us as friends much more than as work colleagues.

And for the finale: here is a rare photo of the hubby, who thanked me this morning for ensuring that the whole room sang him Happy Birthday....seen as he is very shy and all, I felt it was my duty.

A wonderful evening, with wonderful friends and wonderful company.  So guys, same time, same place on the next Race Night then?

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