Tuesday, 15 April 2014

What I learned this week

Hello everyone, and how are you all on this fine day?  Today I am on my way to sunny (hopefully) Sheffield for back to back meetings.  Which translate to getting none of the day job done and being given more jobs to do by the time the meeting ends. 

I am writing this on Monday morning so when I say that hopefully I have left a clean tidy house and expect to find it that way when I get home you will know what I mean.....if I don't get distracted with the weeks worth of programmes I haven't been able to watch I will be cleaning.

I can only think of a couple of lessons which is generally the case when I start this post but I am bound to think up more as I go along:
  • Buying a new dryer resulted in me learning that newer tumble dryers sound much quieter than the one that broke and for the first day I kept going in the kitchen to see if it was actually switched on;
  • ..Perhaps the old one has been poorly for a while now and was trying to tell me;
  • No matter what I do my fridge has a puddle of water in the base of it, under the salad drawer, every few days;
  • Buying salad and vegetables in a bid to be healthier doesn't necessarily translate to me eating them;
  • The strawberry tart may not taste as nice as it looks;
  • Unless I tell Hubby how much roast beef I would like on my plate he gives me as much as he has;
  • If I was any shorter I would have needed a footstool to get onto my new mattress and Hubby swinging his legs when sitting on the edge of it is kinda hilarious;
  • Putting Freddy's painkillers in a piece of banana makes for less traumatic times at least twice a day;
  • I can access my workplace's chosen training site from home and it is much easier to do the training at home than it is to fit it into a busy normal working day;
  • Once I start doing some training I can happily do it for 2-3 hours and am enjoying the finance revision some of the session are giving me;
  • I am so so very sad to have just said that and meant it;
  • I am bound to have 2 bruises across my shins this afternoon after venturing up a ladder and using my legs to try and hug the ladder while scrubbing random spots off my bathroom ceiling;
  • I have been very patient with the insulation people who, after a further 6 telephone calls since the 24th March, have still have not been round to put the installation in my attic.  I can see my angry side making an appearance;
  • If Cala and Abi want some attention when I am working Cala will nudge my office bin and Abi will stand on the ream of paper next to the computer and pad about on it to make the packaging crinkle;
  • As Hubby's birthday approaches he will know I am up to something birthday related when I email him at work and ask him to take the 23rd off work - darn it;
  • After berating myself for buying physical books after window shopping for them I have to say the book I bought was absolutely fantastic and then I open the cupboard that has the 40 books that I still have to read.....;
  • The sun is shining today so its a day to put the replacement mirror on my car, get the car cleaned inside and out, walk the dogs and now that Beautiful B is awake do the cleaning.
So what have you learned this week?

Usual rules apply - see below. I would love to hear from you if you also leave comments on my blog.To join in Julie's What I Learned This Week carnival, simply follow these steps:

1. Any time this week, publish your What I Learned This Week post on your blog and comment on my blog hyper linking to your blog.

2. Then go and visit Julie’s blog at From Inmates to Playdates, find her latest “What I learned this week” and link up with the Mr. Linky form at the bottom of the post. Please put the link to your POST, not the front page of your blog.

3. Then visit the other participants and see what they learned this week.

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