Tuesday, 21 January 2014

What I learned this week

I have been travelling with work again this week but only an overnight stay so not as bad as previous weeks and I have been sensible enough not to arrange 3 nights out before travelling this week.  You see, I can learn from my lessons by being sensible every now and again.

I have a very productive week in terms of lessons:
  • It may have cost money to put a new front gate on but saved money from a seized engine in the long run when the carpenter noticed a not so small oil patch under the from of my car.
  • Apparently oil will leak out of the oil filter if the car mechanic doesn't tighten the oil filter enough when servicing the car.
  • The oil may not leak even though the oil filter is loose until I knocked it on the corner of the kerb I misjudged earlier in the week.
  • Doing an oil change and cleaning the oil filter and making sure it's tight is cheaper than replacing it because I put a hole in it driving carelessly.
  • It costs £90 to get the oil filter fastened on and tightened properly (after the person who serviced it before I bought the car forgot how to be a mechanic), the oil filter cleaned and changed and a new front tire put on the car.
  • If Beautiful B is getting on a train at 5.39am, the same time as me chances are it is the same train.
  • I won't realise I am almost holding my breath hoping she doesn't beat herself up after the university interview until I hear her on the phone when she calls to tell me all about it.
  • I will feel so very proud of my Beautiful B when she relays how she kept her cool and gave some fantastic answers at her first university interview.  10 years ago I thought she would never get to university and while I was as proud of her then as I am now I feel very privileged to have been able to watch her blossom during that time.
  • Other than thinking about things she thinks she should have said Beautiful B will feel it went okay and my heart sang.
  • It is possible to sleep in a hotel bed so hard that you wake up feeling like you are seriously bruised and that is saying something for a more than chubby person like me.
  • Hubby riding his bike to work instead of being driven there and back by me really does make me feel like I have much more time in the day to do jobs.
  • Hubby will come home in a bad mood after 2 days of riding his bike to work and back; it is so much harder to cycle when you have been laid up in bed with man flu for 2 weeks apparently.
  • A dog of Fredsters weight (20kg) can have 4 x 50mg Tramadol tablets 3 times a day – yes really!  The same Tramadol that humans take so my question is; how is that possible when I go cuckoo after taking 4 of mine?
  • I can crack my neck when moving my head to the left and right an awful lot the week before I am due to visit the Osteopath.
  • Playing a computer game for 8 hours on a Sunday will result in my right hand aching and being much weaker for a full week, yes a full week!
  • It feels really good to be able to buy my mum-in-laws weekly grocery shopping when she forgets her purse when going to the supermarket.
  • Hubby thinks that we do not need any more pineapple and coconut yoghurts during the weekly shop.  I will disagree and add them to the 7 I already have at home.
  • I have started to make really funny noises when asleep.  I woke myself up ‘wheezing’ so high that I was doing a great impression of a squeaky balloon.  I don't feel breathless though.....strange, but then it is me we are talking about.  And yes, as usual Hubby wants me to mention it to the nurse at my doctor's practice. 

So what have you learned this week?

Usual rules apply - see below. I would love to hear from you if you also leave comments on my blog.To join in Julie's What I Learned This Week carnival, simply follow these steps:

1. Any time this week, publish your What I Learned This Week post on your blog and comment on my blog hyper linking to your blog.

2. Then go and visit Julie’s blog at From Inmates to Playdates, find her latest “What I learned this week” and link up with the Mr. Linky form at the bottom of the post. Please put the link to your POST, not the front page of your blog.

3. Then visit the other participants and see what they learned this week.

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