Tuesday, 14 January 2014

What I learned this week

Another week of travelling with work before Christmas and the Christmas period has increased my ‘to do’ list this week and it is getting longer and longer each day.  Random lessons this week included:

  • Eating too much pineapple makes my tongue sore
  • The sugar on Subway donuts is just plain weird; it cannot be ‘real’ sugar
  • Buying a bigger freezer means there was nowhere to put the second Christmas tree in the dining room.  I am obsessed with finding room for it next year in that room!
  • I will realise I am not as boring as I think I am when my new work mates fall about laughing at me ‘meowing’ when I drop something
  • It is imperative to find a way to get financial evaluation models printed on A3 even if the printer doesn’t want to play ball because you will spend two days hunched over A4 paper full of numbers adding them all up!
  • Hubby loves that the pate at our favourite restaurant that much that he bought a large slab of it to share with the family over Christmas.  About a quarter of it was eaten!
  • Cala fluff will tap my hand with her paw to be let down if she thinks she needs help
  • Fredster has tramadol for his arthritic pain.  For some reason they don’t make him go as cuckoo as they make me and he is a dog.  How does that happen?
  • It is hard work trying to read a book when you have a huge floater in your right eye
  • Despite being so very busy and tired I will still drive to the train station to take Beautiful B to get train tickets rather than have her order them on-line and then stress that they may not arrive in time
  • The fire in the dining room is able to turn itself off.  It may have special powers....or be broke - I prefer the first option
  • When fetching Fredsters dog bed into the office so he can warm his arthritic bones in front of the fire the 3 girlie fluffs will lie on it in a huge puppy pile and defeat my objective
  • If you put too much stuff in the storage space underneath your bed, you will break the wooden slats on your bed as they have no 'bend' in them
  • If I nip to McDonalds on the way back from visiting Angel to get Hubby some supper I shouldn't buy myself a vanilla milkshake because I never drink it all before I go to bed
  • No good comes from having to clean up the remnants of dog sick from the carpet unless I can highly recommend the Vax Steamer which I am
  • Going to bed on a Saturday night at 4.15am, then being awake after only 3 hours sleep the night after will make for a very tired woman on a Tuesday despite how well she may have slept on the Monday night
  • When Beautiful B tells me she wants to do a 'filling and healthy' week on WeightWatchers I will groan inside at the potential shopping bill cost for the following week
  • Some printers are bought without the USB connector cable - seriously what is the point of that! 
  • 8.40am - this just in.......I have decided that I did not teach Beautiful B how to cook sufficiently after she just came in and asked me to try brown pasta to see if it was cooked enough.  My response 'That is not brown pasta.' Her response 'It looked brown in the packet.' - enough said

So what have you learned this week?

Usual rules apply - see below. I would love to hear from you if you also leave comments on my blog.To join in Julie's What I Learned This Week carnival, simply follow these steps:

1. Any time this week, publish your What I Learned This Week post on your blog and comment on my blog hyper linking to your blog.

2. Then go and visit Julie’s blog at From Inmates to Playdates, find her latest “What I learned this week” and link up with the Mr. Linky form at the bottom of the post. Please put the link to your POST, not the front page of your blog.

3. Then visit the other participants and see what they learned this week.

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