An unusual thing happened today and that is that I was home before everyone else and I have been able to do 'wife' things while I wait. Hubby, Beautiful B and me are off to my mum's for tea - she is making me scrumptious home made meat and potato pie and as it is the only pie crust I will eat, I delight in arguing with Beautiful B to ensure we get equal amounts of crust - you know, because I can and it is insanely funny (and also not fair but meh) to see her get frustrated....but I digress so where was I? Oh yes, wife things.
Ignoring the fact that I walked out of work with my handbag, bottles of Coca Cola, phone, car keys and laptop I did have everything but I guess as I was leaving earlier than I have done for weeks I felt like I was forgettting something when I was driving home.
We were supposed to be at mum's at 4.30pm. It is now 5.05pm but Hubby did text to let me know so the required phone call to make sure mum had not put the crust on was made and the parents are happy. Hubby has apologised, to me which is nice but it's to the wrong person. Truly, mum and dad will find it amusing; after all I get told off each Sunday I appear at their house for a visit without Hubby because apparently it's my decision to send him to do overtime.
Beautiful B, however, no idea! She hasn't arrived home. She has texted to ask what time we are to be there and since the reply not a dicky bird to be heard. I can only assume she has gone straight to my mum's but then again taking into account her accident proneness at the weekend she may well have tripped over her own feet and hurt the other shoulder...
So while I wait..the dogs have been fed, the house has been hoovered, the pots have been washed, dried and put away; a load of drying has been dried and put away, a load of washing has been washed and is now in the dryer, the beds made, the empty cans and cardboard/paper for recycling out, the dogs flea and worming treatment given (and the requisite treats for kindly allowing me to stick my fingers down their throat to make sure they swallow them, 3 blogs read and responded to and this one written so I have done so well.
And just in time, the dogs are going mental because Hubby has evidently arrived on his bike. Time for tea....whoop.
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