Tuesday, 22 October 2013

What I learned this week

Another week, another dollar as the saying goes.  It has been a mixed bag of sorts which is, of course, always the case but I've felt it more than I would normally do.  Having a wonderful husband who recognises that is a fantastic thing though as he ensured I relaxed the majority of the weekend to recuperate.  

-     I really should have had some shelves put up in the living room years ago!  I have places for those ornaments bought for me by those who I care about most and it really breaks up such a large wall.

-     It's much less frustrating to remember to put your security pass around your neck as soon as you have stretched your short arm out of the window and randomly waved it in front of the security pad because its much less frustrating to not have to keep walking back to the car to put it around your neck to get into work.

-     Clearly 30% on the Sky planner over a weekend can leave you with a sense of achievement and yes that may well be that you managed to stay awake long enough to watch that much TV.

-     It does not matter how much work you have and how important that contract is that people need your advise on; if your medication is going to make you fall asleep at your desk it will fly in the face of your work responsibilities. I only hope I wasn't snoring!

-     Hubby now has a new (old) phone after leaving his very expensive one on the bus (numpty!); luckily I had been too lazy to put my iPhone 4 on eBay when I got the iPhone 5; I am taking bids on him replacing it with an iPhone 5 when his contract is up for renewal.

-     I will pretend I didn't suspect this....My pain level on a Monday is much reduced if I do not play computer games at a weekend. Already the pain is increasing as a necessity of some of the things I have to do at work so I may be falling asleep again on Friday (joke....I hope) so it's probably a good idea not to play them next week either. Those 10 years I was hoping before before my hands dictated my pleasure activities have disappeared in less than 3 months! 

-     The new handheld scanners at the local supermarket are so much fun. Scanning your shopping and bagging it while you shop? Yes please!  Reduces the level of pain lifting things in and out of the trolley repeatedly to go through the till, adds up my spend as I go and is sooooo much fun!

-     When you stop at the new hair and beauty salon half way round the store for a cut and blow dry and gel nails you can leave your shopping and the scanner, though it will beep at you after 20 minutes, repeatedly, to let you know you may have forgotten to spend what may be a mammoth spend as you peruse the aisles. Clearly no-one programmed it to understand flighty women who may decide a new haircut along with the weekly shop is a great idea! 

-     It is possible to put in ebay's search engine 'giraffe iPhone 5 cover' and get one! Whoop.

And now for a few facts picked up courtesy of quiz shows- 

-     A collective noun for bears is sloth

-     An edible crab is also known as the brown crab

-     Recipients of the George Cross can add the letters GM after their name.

So what have you learned this week? 

So what have you learned this week? Usual rules apply - see below. I would love to hear from you if you also leave comments on my blog.
To join in on the What I Learned This Week carnival, simply follow these steps:
1. Any time this week, publish your What I Learned This Week post on your blog and comment on my blog hyper linking to your blog.
2. Then go and visit Julie’s blog at From Inmates to Playdates, find her latest “What I learned this week” and link up with the Mr. Linky form at the bottom of the post. Please put the link to your POST, not the front page of your blog.
3. Then visit the other participants and see what they learned this week.

1 comment:

  1. Just a few things...
    1. I would love the scan and bag as you go thing.
    2. I always say you could shop for a black sheep in heat on eBay and find one. (Yay for your new cover!)
    3. Thanks for linking up. I appreciate it! =)
