Thursday, 5 September 2013

At last a day off

Okay, I agree I have only been back at work 8 days but I am so glad that today is my non-working day. Though I could have slept a little longer today because I was dreaming about winning a ticket to meet the boys from Supernatural! I preferred that much more than the one where I was arguing with my sister! 

I have been missing a while, missing a few posts because work has been hard, hard on my brain after being at home for 5 weeks. My ability to understand what I need to do with any given task has been in slow motion, and even more so getting the work done. I am getting there though probably slower than my bosses liking as well as my own. 

All of that means that I haven't had the energy to blog in the last week. By the time I get home I need a direct escalator upstairs to bed.  I still shouldn't be doing any jobs at home but i keep cheating and bargaining with Hubby to do little things before i lose my mind.

My walking is getting better after my podiatrist fit me up with all sorts of insoles and heel raisers as well as instructions to complete exercises more times a day than I care to. I can at least get downstairs each morning without ouching and arghing as loudly downstairs. My hands can do a little bit more now though it did take me an hour to change the bedding last night.

Beautiful B has been off work for a couple of days and done some cleaning around the house for me to my delight so I don't have as much of that to do today but when Hubby says the Hoover is making a funny noise you know it needs a tune up at the shop so I will add that to the to do list for today.  

I am crossing everything hoping the weather stays nice for tonight. I know autumn is here, we even had mist yesterday morning, but as long as the rain holds off the mountain of meat in the fridge will go on the BBQ at about 5.30pm. It may be cool enough for a fire pit, something we couldn't use with all the summer BBQs because it was too hot.  I just LOVE a fire pit, I could toast in front of one of those for hours catching up with best friends and family. Of course the most important thing on my to do list according to Hubby is to buy and cool the beer ready for this evening. 

On a different note I have just been sat here watching Beautiful B get ready to cycle to work. Having listened for to many months for my liking to 'I will buy one next payday' from her I insisted on taking her out for a cycle helmet yesterday (naturally she wanted a coat too) as I am scared to death of her being knocked off that bike.  

You would think, as a nurse in training, she understands the dangers but it took a programme that showed the devastating injury and 5 minute from death situation of a teenager on a bike to bring it home to her just how easily an accident can happen and the repercussions.  That shows that despite all of her training she still has that indestructible perception, 'it will never happen to me' that so many teenagers have.  

So today she is off to work with a black cycle helmet with pink flashes and a reflective pink wind proof and water-proof jacket. Yay for me!  As much as I have lived in fear of that phone call making it real for our kids rather than forcing them to wear something they don't want to works better, especially when they can be stubborn teenagers. Sometimes I wish she was still 4-5 years old when she just did what I told her.

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