Long title stating the obvious......
Today is Fathers Day in the UK and as it is a Sunday Hubby and I will be at mum and dads for the morning as usual. Today we go laden with a card, money and cider. Dad is one of the worst people to buy presents for. When I asked if there was anything particular he would like I was informed not to get him anything; yes Dad, I am going to listen to you about as much as I did when I was 15 years old! Still, the gifts seem so pitiful compared to everything that he has done for me and continues to do for me and my family.
We have shared 40 Father's Days together and to him Fathers Day is just like any other day and it is because essentially we should all be showing our parents how much we love them every day and I do. I tell them I love them more now than I ever did and I love spending time with them every week. I miss them dreadfully when they are on holiday as I am so used to be able to pop around the corner to see them and I find myself at a loss on a Sunday morning as I am usually at their house making a nuisance of myself.
When I go round to see dad for 1/2 hour Hubby knows that I will wander home after around 2 hours after putting the world to rights with mum and dad listening and laughing at us. Despite trying to teach me for years, I am still not that good at the DIY and so I still call on Dad at times and I wager that he will be at my house in the next couple of days to see if he can fix the slight leak in the water pipe.
He has always been and will remain the Dad who is the loving, caring, do anything for you Dad and only this week he was at our house hanging Sean's framed footie shirt on the wall because Hubby didn't trust himself to do it.
He lent me his Vax carpet cleaner and as he gave it to me he said "See how clean it is?" and my response was "It will be returned as clean as it is now" and of course, he knew that because I am his daughter and can be as obsessed with cleaning as much as he can. In fact, I have been sat at the top of the stairs with baby wipes cleaning the carriage and taking all of the fluff off the brushes while the removable parts are drip drying in preparation for it's return tomorrow.
My dad has always worshipped my mum through good and not so good times and some of the only times I have seen him cry were during mum's hospitalisations when he thought he was going to lose her. Yes, she gets frustrated with him and since his stroke he gets frustrated with her at times (which is comical most of the time) but they are devoted to one another. They have and always will be the demonstration of a great marriage, of being with each other and loving each other as each of them are without trying to change the other, and I have struggled to find what they have for many years.
I have that now and Hubby would lay on the ground and die for both me and Beautiful B just as my dad would for mum and his children. I am so, so glad that I have finally found a man that I am totally and utterly in love with and that my parents approve of. To see my Dad happy because I am happy and to get on so well with Hubby is fantastic. Finally, I don't worry that they worry all the time about me, just some of the time.
Dad you love your family unconditionally and for that I am more grateful than I can describe. You taught me a set of ideals and morals that I live with and that makes me a better person than I could ever be on my own. I will love you always, and no matter how far apart we are we will always be together.
For now you live right around the corner and for me, that is heaven.
Happy Fathers Day, Dad. May it be joyous and may you be happy with the level of cleanliness of the Vax tomorrow.
All my love, forever and always, Ribena xx
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