Wednesday, 19 June 2013

A Saturday in the life of Ribena

This is likely to be boring for most, if not all of you, but I had a bright idea.  Unusual I know.

Seen as I am convinced that I procrastinate and I know I do and so do the treasury accounts I thought I would document everything I did on a Saturday (well, except for the urgh bits because that would just be wrong but you get the idea) so I can prove to myself just how much I do.  A little experiment if you will.  I'm not putting times in because that would just be wrong, other than to say I woke up at 6.15am.  So here goes:

  • Let the dogs out
  • Put some washing in the washing machine
  • Wrote a blog post and started another
  • Wrote a shopping list
  • Checked the leaking pipe with Hubby
  • Updated shopping list based on Hubby's needs
  • Asked Beth to clean the back garden before she goes to work; promptly told her I will do it myself.....
  • Took Hubby to work
  • Took Hubby's mum shopping
  • Insisted on putting the huge, heavy bag of potting soil in the back garden on a chair so she did not have to bend when potting her plants instead of the kitchen floor as she suggested!
  • Put the freezer goods away after shoo-ing all the fluff bags back in the house after they decided the front garden was a new play room when while I fetched the shopping bags in
  • Updated a blog post I had started earlier this morning
  • Decided to play a bit of a computer game before unpacking the rest of the shopping while simultaneously thinking that I might get more done if I deleted each and every game
  • Decided this blog post might be a good idea and started it
  • Went back to playing the computer game
  • Unpacked the shopping
  • Folded the washing and put away
  • Put washing in the dryer
  • Emptied the bins
  • Took my pills, realising I hadn't taken them this morning, noticied my inhaler was empty explaining why I couldn't really taste it when I sucked on it last night.....
  • Did the washing up
  • Had a quick lie down (by quick I do mean 2 minutes) on Beautiful B's new mattress to see if it is as comfortable as mine (it's not) while the girlie fluffs took the opportunity to try and smother me with kisses
  • Had another bit of a play on a computer game
  • Hacked away at the triffid in the front garden so that it didn't take anyone's eye out when innocently walking past the garden
  • Played tag with a wasp and wished that I had a hedge strimmer because surely it must be easier than using secateurs
  • Noticed one of the dogs had thrown up some of the banana I fed them earlier; grateful it was outside and not in the house as per usual
  • Danced about the house to P!nk because that is what you do!
  • Moved the washing from the dryer, folded the drying and put it away
  • Had a play on the computer resting the back in preparation for cleaning the stairs and landing
  • Cleaned the back garden
  • Pet magneted the stairs to get all the fluffer fluff off
  • Re-evaluated how long it will take me to clean the stairs with the Vax because it has taken me an hour to do 5 stairs; maybe I am being too strigent in trying to get all of the water up back into the Vax
  • Decided that I need to get a Vax because the colour of the water, even if I have also done the front door mat is just WRONG and I am seriously thinking I cannot live knowing that is in my carpets
  • Seriously considered saving for new stairs and having wooden stair without carpet; at least I could clean it every two days and know it was clean!
  • Cleaned the toilet properly;
  • Cleaned another 5 stairs
  • Had a bit of a play, filled the water bottle up for the Vax
  • Give Cala a bit of a love because the Vax is freaking her out
  • Finished the last 2 stairs and decided by comparison the landing and bedroom should be much easier!
  • Filled the car up with petrol
  • Picked Hubby up from work
  • Told Lily off when I got home because she had been in my work bag and eaten a full pack of Cadbury's fingers, a packet of strawberry laces and most of the pistachio nought - waiting in anticipation for one of them to throw up on what will be a clean carpet
  • Hoovered the bedroom and landing
  • Vax'd half of the bedroom while Hubby made tea (bless him; he comes in from work and cooks for me 'because I have worked all day too' apparently)
  • Ate tea
  • Vax'ed rest of bedroom and landing
  • Had a mini row with Beautiful B in the middle of the last Vax session, got annoyed
  • Cleaned the Vax during which Hubby fetched me a strong vodka, lime and lemonade
  • 5 hours after I started cleaning carpets.....and polish the bedroom. Hubby begs me to stop working.
  • So I have a play and have my second vodka, lime and lemonade
  • Ignore Hubby and find a job he won't really notice - break up a load of boxes and do some shredding - he did, told me I would hurt my hands!
  • Comforted Beautiful B while she cried at her dad not being here for Fathers Day tomorrow as she apologised for shouting at me when she came home from work
  • Shredded some more boxes
  • Did the washing up
  • Cleaned the dogs bowls
  • Cleaned the kitchen
  • Put the empty cans and bottles outside
  • Rescued a cheddar biscuit from under the TV unit for Cala who was so grateful she kissed me
  • Wrote a blog post for Father's day and had a third vodka, lime and lemonade
  • Took myself to bed to watch Perception and Hubby brought me a fourth vodka, lime and lemonade
  • Fell asleep not long into the second Perception episode
So that, folks, is a normal Saturday in my house; minus the carpet cleaning obviously but I normally find something equally time consuming to do such as scrubbing the grime out of the grooves in my wooden floors with a scrubbing brush because all sorts of things can collect there, I imagine. 

In conclusion; yes I do procrastinate!

A sleep later.....

It is now Sunday and I have been awake 20 minutes.  Hubby is still sleeping so I am taking the opportunity to write a blog or two.  Beautiful B has just come downstairs ready to go to work (smelling gorgeous; having asked the perfume is Flower, explaining why I love it because I introduced her to it) and has brought a pile of dirty pots from her room so the jobs start again - should that be another post?


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