Thursday, 28 March 2013

What I learned this week

Random, random stuff this week folks.  This was supposed to have been posted about 4 weeks ago so I apologise.  On the upside; posting it this weeks means there is less for me to remember.....

  • Beautiful B is setting the TV volume to 40 and her bedroom TV (with cinema surround sound) so high that you can almost feel the bass downstairs because she is completely deaf in one ear and can only hear slightly out of the left. 
  • My child has taken the concept that 'if you are too poorly school/work will send you home' to the extreme.  Surely she should have had her ears looked at before she went completely deaf in one ear? A conversation may be needed.... 
  • You do not need to buy all the expensive over the counter ear drops that are needed for syringing as olive oil does exactly the same job. Urgh! 
  • There is hope that normal volume will resume next week.  Update - this took 3 weeks!
  •  It is possible to buy Season 7 of Supernatural on DVD and completely forget where you have put it as well as a Kindle. 
  • The concept of a non-cluttered house doesn't leave a lot of space for a collections of Pocket Dragons and Tuskers elephants.  Hubby will ask "What is the zoo all about?" when you relocate some of them (Update: he did) and Abi will sniff the ones at her height to determine if they are edible.  Cala fluff will be risking her life if she nudges them to make them rock like she does with bins and giraffes! 
  • It's tiring to weigh so much more than you did 3 months ago.  The need to be in bed by 7.30pm is exhausting.  Being content as a newly married couple sometimes is not so good for the health.
  • And a few more I learnt this week:
  • It is possible to be an accountant and hate accounts.  On the other hand, when you actually get into doing it without hankering after playing computer games it can be interesting.
  • I already know I will retract the last post when I try and balance the accounts for the financial year because inevitably they never balance first time!
  • You can talk to your best friend, Angel, by email and still miss her.
  •  Today would have been Hubby's dads birthday and you can miss someone you never met. 
  • Each and every year you can hate having to do your annual appraisal and repeat again (as you do every year) that you wished your manager could just write a report and present it to you without you having to sell yourself first.  It's far too much hard work for someone who does not have the ability or self confidence to identify what good examples of the work they do.   
So what have you learned this week?  If you have a blog follow the steps below or alternatively leave a comment - I love comments!

To join in on the What I Learned This Week carnival, simply follow these steps:

1. Any time this week, publish your What I Learned This Week post on your blog and comment on my blog hyper linking to your blog.

2. Go visit Julie at FromInmates to Playdates, find her latest “What I learned this week” and link up with the Mr. Linky form at the bottom of the post. Please put the link to your POST, not the front page of your blog.

3. Then visit the other participants on both blogs and see what they learned this week.

1 comment:

  1. I found your site for the first time through 'From Inmates to Playdates.' Very interesting about the Olive Oil... need to Google that one!
